Induction-VAV unit

  • Available in sizes ø 100, 125, 160, 200, 250
  • Standard equipped with FloXact™ air velocity sensor with maximum 2% deviation.
  • Suitable for air velocities from 1.0 to 8.0 m/s
  • Only suitable for supply.
  • Special induction valve prevents “cold fall”.
  • Airtight class not applicable due to induction opening.


Induction VAV units are specifically designed to prevent cold fall. Cold fall is the cause of “draught complaints” in ventilation complaints and is not caused by the VAV unit, but by poor selection of the grilles. Most grilles only have a control range of 60-100% (Vmin-Vmax). VAV units have a much larger range and the rosters are usually not taken into account when selecting the VAV units. Often this is also a different supplier. Induction VAV units have a specially shaped control valve so that a venturi effect occurs during downregulation and room air is sucked in and mixed with the (cold) primary air. This increases the control range to 25-100% and significantly reduces the risk of cold fall.
A disadvantage of the induction VAV unit is that they need a fairly high duct pressure (>250Pa) to “induce” sufficiently, and the secondary pressure drop must not be too high (<30Pa).


  • Aif flow sensor: the FloXact™ has a linear gain factor of at least 2.5x, and measures the average over a large number of measuring points according to the Log-Tchebycheff method. Due to the special profile shape of the FloXact™, it can regulate from 0.7 m/s inlet speed and has a very large control range and a maximum deviation of 2% at 3xD straight flow.
  • Housing: Magnelis steel (S235+ZM310). This steel with a modern surface treatment with a very high corrosion resistance. It is less harmful to the environment and has a beautiful appearance (comparable to anodized aluminum.
  • Insulation: 20mm Armaflex closed cell rubber and 20mm K-Fonik open cell rubber in as thermal and acoustic insulation.
  • Valve blade: profiled Magnelis steel blade with felt seal. Airtightness Class-3 according to LUKA and EN-1751.
  • Controller: As standard, we supply the VAV units without control equipment or complete with Belimo controllers. Air-Concepts also installs control equipment supplied by third parties such as Priva, Johnson Controls, EasyIO, Distech, KMC, Sauter, Siemens, Honeywell, etc.
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