

Rectangular air volume controller for standard application in variable volume systems, suitable for supply and return.

  • Standard models ø100 ….. ø800. Non-standard dimensions on request.
  • Leakage of housing according to class D according to EN 1751.
  • Accuracy 2% when mounted correctly.
  • Measurement from 1.0 m/s air velocity.
  • Brass connection grommets for ø4 hose (internal). ø6mm optional.


The AFM-Q Airflow Monitoring Stations consist of one or more FloXact™ air velocity probes, factory mounted in a rugged galvanized steel enclosure. Multiple sets of total and static pressure measurement points, placed along the length of each FloXact™ probe on an equal area base, traverse the airflow and average the measured pressures. Factory installed static and total pressure signal lines connect the individual FloXact™ probes together and terminate at the galvanized enclosure for field connection. The AFM-Q is suitable for installation in ducts, fan inlets, etc. The AFM-Q can be used in applications ranging from HVAC in commercial buildings to laboratories, pharmaceutical and electronics manufacturing, and healthcare settings.

AIR-TRAC™ System

AFM units are often used in combination with VAV systems to monitor the supply air volume in a large room or floor. The supply air volume signal is used to control/balance a VAV terminal in the corresponding return air duct. This means that the system is balanced under all load conditions, ensuring quiet operation and the most energy-efficient installation.


  • AFM-Q are available in metric and imperial
  • Housing: Galvanized steel construction with ribs (1.2 mm).
  • Flanges: 30mm, corner holes ø10x17mm
  • Operating temperature +10 to 50°C
  • Storage temperature 0 to 70°C, max RH 95%.
  • Optional double-walled construction (25mm insulation).
  • Optional with air flow director, 99.5% free space.
  • Other construction available on request.
  • Airflow sensor: Multi-point averaging FloXact™ sensor. Unique shape creates an amplified signal (minimum 2.5x Pdyn) with very low pressure drop and noise level.
  • All regulators are pressure independent and factory calibrated.
  • When units are ordered with controls supplied ‘free of charge’ by third parties, wiring diagrams, calibration instructions, calibration tools and mounting instructions must be supplied free of charge.
  • All controls are mounted on the right side of the unit as standard when looking in the direction of the airflow unless otherwise requested.
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