Round double-walled, insulated VAV/CAV unit with round inlet and outlet

  • Standard models ø 100, 125, 160, 200, 250, 315 and 400.
  • Standard equipped with FloXact™ air velocity sensor with maximum 2% deviation.
  • Insulated sheath 50mm.
  • Suitable for supply and return.
  • Suitable for controlling room temperature, room or duct pressure and air quality ( CO2 and particulate matter).
  • Suitable for air speeds from 1.0 m/s
  • Airtightness class D according to LUKA and EN-1751


The VAV units with integrated silencer are used in ventilation systems to improve comfort and reduce energy consumption. The insulated, double-walled housing prevents condensation from forming in cold primary air and reduces the radiated noise. The unit is controlled by a room sensor with temperature and/orCO2 or from the building management system and varies the air volume based on cooling demand and/or ventilation requirement.

This results in significant savings in fan energy because, when there is little or no cooling demand, the valve can be partially or even completely closed.


  • Air flow sensor: the FloXact™ has a linear gain factor of at least 2.5x, and measures over 6, 8 or 10 measuring points according to the Log-Tchebycheff method. These units do not require straight flow and can accurately control from 0.4 m/s inlet speed.
  • Housing: Magnelis steel (S235+ZM310). This steel with a modern surface treatment with a very high corrosion resistance. It is less harmful to the environment and has a beautiful appearance (comparable to anodized aluminum). Airtightness Class-D according to LUKA and EN-1751.
  • Insulation: 50mm mineral wool with Magnelis steel cover
  • Valve blade: sandwich construction, 1.5mm SBR sheet rubber with inlay between 2 Magnelis steel blades. Airtightness class-3 according to EN-1751.
  • Controller: As standard, we supply the VAV units without control equipment or complete with Belimo controllers. Air-Concepts also installs supplied control equipment from third parties such as Priva, Johnson Controls, EasyIO, Distech, KMC, Sauter, Siemens, Honeywell, etc.
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